Today I’m sharing a sneak peek into my new ebook, Intro to iPhone Photography. It’s a great resource for food lovers interested in learning more about photography without investing in any fancy gear.

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When I first began my career as a food photographer, I started with iPhone Photography.

It wasn’t anything serious at first. I would take out my phone at restaurants and snap a quick picture to show my friends my favorite appetizer or ice cream spot. Eventually I started dreaming about taking pictures of all of my favorite home cooked dishes. Things evolved quickly from there and I continued using my iPhone to build this blog over the last four years.

Point being, when I first started out, there was no need for fancy photography gear.

Not only because I wasn’t making any money off the hobby, but because my iPhone camera was actually good enough to do the trick. This is probably true for your smart phone camera as well.

More recently, I made the switch from my iPhone camera to a DSLR camera. It’s a switch I prolonged for as long as possible but at this point in my career it’s necessary. But before I deep dive into the DSLR world, I wanted to share what I learned about iPhone photography in those 4 years of experience.

That’s why I wrote my new ebook, Intro to iPhone Photography. It’s a free resource for my blog subscribers with an interest in photography.

Main Topics

Instead of summarizing the contents of Intro to iPhone Photography (it’s a quick read at only 19 pages), I’m going to give you a breakdown of the different chapters.

Chapter 1: iPhone Camera Settings & Tricks

In this chapter you will learn about the different iPhone camera settings, how to focus, and why you shouldn’t be zooming in.

Chapter 2: Lighting

Take a look into the pros and cons of different lighting styles as they relate to iPhone photography.

Chapter 3: Composition & Styling

Learn about the compositional & styling tricks I use to create intrigue in food photography scenes.

Chapter 4: Editing

Familiarize yourself with three useful and popular editing apps in the industry that can take iPhone photos to the next level. 

Chapter 5: Tools I Use

A quick glance at my go-to tools, their uses, and a link for you to check them out.

This book was designed to help anyone wanting to learn about iPhone Photography. Please don’t let it be a boring old textbook you let collect *digital* dust in your inbox.

See a chapter that you’re really interested in and others that you couldn’t care less about? Great! Get your copy, read the parts that serve you, and skip the ones that don’t. No hard feelings here!

So what’s the wait? Get your F R E E copy of my Intro to iPhone Photography sent to your inbox today by signing up below!


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iPhone Photography Inquiries?

Interested in hiring me for a one-on-one coaching session? Looking for a food photographer for your brand? Awesome! Get in touch with me here or over on Instagram!